Friday, December 16, 2011

Counting Counting

hallu Dear..........long long time being update very the bz at ofis my preparation wedding lg....How Come.....now how excited me for my Big day another 2 more weeks to go then the title will change to Mdm Lisa no more Miss Lisa haiyo.....never mind hidup mmg perlu berhijrah kan heheheh.....
but in time excited nak planing nie planing tu mmg akan risau yg melampau punyer...
risau ada ker org dtg Majlis aku nanti?? rmai dr jmptan ker tetamu nanti alamak mcm ne nak hilangkan resah hati makin dkt hari makin risau heheheheh.................
never mind just let it by the flow kan kan kan...... ok then C U When U C me......

Monday, November 28, 2011


Haluuu dear....
pg td tersentap my ayahanda terchenta konon.....msg srh me pjm duit dgn my Pak Usu?? How COme?? Me Xpernah2 langsung pjm duit dgn org nak srh tebal muka pjm duit?? Duit hantaran rm4K pun ayah Xdpt byr nei nak tambah hutang dgn Pak Usu lg?? How come babe?? mmg menangis jer 1 hari ini dpn Mak Usu & Pak Usu.....dpn Najib sekali kami bertemu 4 mata mmg hati ssh memikirkan mana pergi gaji Ayahanda terchenta tu?? Nak kata beli brg dapur brg umah.....gaji aku yg Xspm rm2K nie dpt beli mcm2 dkt umah tu Beliau?? kalau aku Xbeli mkn angin alamak nya semua mak adik2 aku.....dah aku semua keluarkan duit then dia buat aku nie bergaji mcm rm2 juta jer......nanti balik kpg bukan main ego dpn saudara mara pukul canang bgth dia da ini dia ada itu dia tahu ini dia tahu ini......tp hakikat nya Haprak babe.....haaaaaaaaaaaa kalau dah geram mmg aku kelaur kan semua......tahap kesabaran ku mmg cukur teruji kali ini main paksa plak kita pjm duit dgn org dah guna nama kt nak pjm duit, kalau dia byr Xper nie duit hantaran utk kawen pun dia smp skrg Xbyr?? Hai buat me risau jer org tua nie......kalau g Haji entah lah berubah ke X eksen jer lebih.......haduh manusia nie kalau dah tinggi sgt kedudukan mmg lupa diri betul ajer ckp beliau X pernah nak salah.....hurm wht to do realiti life.....

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Syiok mahu jd mcm Beliau ~ No Way ~

halu dear....
br hbs layan cita Twilight Breaking Dawn part 1 ptg tdk...
so best & so Layan wor.... tp tgh best layan blh plak org sebelah me & my Fiance berkising rs mcm budak sekolah jer rs nyer.....org tgk wayang best2 dia org sebelah buat wayang sendiri plak dlm panggung wyg apakah itu?? haiya budak2 sekolah zmn sikalang wor...kalau time sy msh sekolah dulu jgn kata nak g tgk wayang dgn kawan.....nak couple pun tkt2 sbb mak akan buat sportcek tiap2 pg & tiap mlm......How Come....tp lupakan cita tu but I really enjoy tgk Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1......i wannna be like Her huhuhuh but cannot reality life not good being like that....it's only a story Love romantic story.......

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Should I @ Should not???

haluu Dear..
at the ofis been bz since with the 5S, many course to attend many meeting to attend also...
haiyo..........mengalah PM bunyi kan hahhaha pdhal kerja relax jer pun hahhahaha, lately 1 of my colleague alway's said the same thing i heard this few day's.....naik boring plak dgr babe....
"" Diet lah lagi X elok pengantin gemuk sgt......" gemuk ke aku??? berat pun X smp 60kg bawah 60kg jer pun malah now trun becoming 55kg usaha tangga kejayaan kan.....actually dia jeles kot sbb time dia kawen dulu2 kala badan dia gemuk kot sbb tu skrg lg berisi mcm cheese kek....
whatever do The Bride must look thin & skinnny???
for me pengantin HARUS ada seri wajah......now i feel ok my shape body X gemuk & Xkurus sgt...
my becoming still dpt angkat maybe hehheheh coz sesuai dgn ketinggian me 160cm, coz pernah sekali derma darah the nurse said Ur BMI ok sesuai dgn ketinggian gula & kolestrol pun ok X tinggi....
then jgn2 kakak Poret tu yg truk sj nak sakit kan hati cakap ko makin berisi....well i don't care Ur mouth want to say what U know.......for me asa long i'm not get any sickness & Live Hapilly ever after with family around me.....yg dia kata jgn rapat sgt dgn bakal mertua nanti dia dpn kita jer baik tp blkg dia mengata balik.....then How Come U hasut people like me yg baru nak melangkah ke alam berumahtangga very soon like that saja nak buat me think that every mak mertua mcm mak mertua dia ker????
I think my mother In Law is the best ever mother in this world, my own Mum & my Mother in law both of them i love So Much.....thier theat me so Loving like their owh life hehhehhehhe maybe she want my life like her???? Owh sori......for if I LOve Him then i will stick with him only no skandal behind my hubbby even many year's had married? How come want to try another man for skandal??? if Ur hubby know X ker luluh hati si suami?? haiiiiiiiiiiii sungguh X paham golongan hampir ke usia senja nie makin menajdi jer....anak dah bujang besar tp msh nak berboyfriend?? How come....nauzubilllah mintak jauh lah sifat sedimikian sendiri dah besar dpt berpk bak kata Nabil Raja Lawak "LU PIKIR LAH SENDIRIAN BHD" hahhaha tambahan Sdn > Bhd heheheheh...............oklah wanna to sambung main cityville.....C U When U C me....

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Women Talk a Bad story behind each other ~

halu Dear....finally new month come again...November come until December oh no soon me will become A Wife.....Mdm.Lisa?? oh no HARUS kah?? hehehhe stil want to call with tittle Miss Lisa heheheh whatever lah kan heheheh.........this afternoon after lunch, getting a New gossip from my colleague about their gossip among them huhhuhuhu.....besalah perempuan....
dulu pernah kerja dgn semua staff perempuan pembawakan mulut dr A ke Z cita dgn si X mcm nie, konon Si Y ada mengata Si P tp Si W plak bwk cita ke merata tempat kwsn ofis....then sapa yg HARUS di percayai, then me malas nak msk campur msk telinga kanan kuar balik telinga kiri.....Don't want to involve ^_^ better make my own work kan kan kan....
entah why lah among perempuan mesti ada jer nak bergossip...
paling sedih yg senior plak tu mengata mcm2 pasal pekerja junior.....mcm nie ker nak tunjuk contoh dgn C Junior?? how Come???? mmg Xpdt nak jd contoh lah kalau mcm tu kan......lain ckp dpn lain ckp belakang kan kan kan then org mcm nie jgn di rapat sgt & not tooo close & never ever be friend with people like that U know....
ok....Dear......ok then want to continue play the Cityville.....
See U when U see me ~ CHow SIn CHow.......

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kecelaruan HATI & FIKIRAN ~

hai dear.....
lately Dont know how to story....since my future father in law passed away...
i been stayed at the house, just yesterday night chit chat with future mother in law...
sekali dia terlps ckp da......tiba-tiba kan.....dup dap tersentap me Dear.....
dia Xbrape suka kalau anak laki yg num 2 mintak transfer ke kuching atas alasan sbb isteri kpd anak lelaki num2 mak mertua td adik ipar my tunang lah kiranya.....suka berjalan2 kdg her kakak akan dtg bwk g jln with her Son, my future in law Xsuka org Xreti duk umah berjln Xingat tggjwb di umah.....then really tersentap I tau....mendgr nya.....maybe next time my turn to be complen like that kan kan kan kan kan......
suddenlly on that night me asyik pk, if blkg my Sis in law blh ckp Xsuka mcm tu then Xmustahil suatu hari dia akan judge mek like that also......then i terpk I don't wannna to stay at my Parents in Law house...How COme.....kejam plak bunyi nya....haduh tp smp bila nak mkn hati kan...
ikt kan hati blh mati....apa boleh ku buat SABAR SABAR SABAR SABAR........
ada rasa hati cancel kan sj everthing that have been planned....my Wedding.....haduh br bertunang aku dah menghadapi real perangai org dlm umah nie kalau dah jd org dlm umah mertua nie betul2 nanti haduh silap hari bulan maybe blh jd Gila hantar ke Hospital Bahagia @ Hospital Sentosa bt.7 haduyai.......haduh Ya ALLAH patutkah aku teruskan segala perancangan perkawinan yg sudah di rancang utk di langsung kan.....sanggup kah aku menghadapi nya kuat kah aku???hanya TUHAN YG MAHA ESA yang tahu.....apa-apa pun Sabar ok LISA, ALLAH MAHA MENGETAHUI, MAHA MENDENGAR, MAHA MENGASIHANI.....

Sunday, October 16, 2011

sadness & hapeness

haloooooooooooo dear..... Long time not update...
latelly not feel very good somthing bad happen to me to My in law parents....
my future Father in law was gone leaving us.....
haduh dugaan apakah yg melanda nasib Hamba mu ini ya Allah....
br diri ku menagalami krisis ekonomi dgn family sediri.....tiba ms excited mahu menguruskan segala persiapan Majlis kahwin mcm2 dugaan dtg menimpa....
kalau pk2 kalau X kuat iman X berpikir positif boleh gila g Hospital Bahagia bt.7 dah aku kali...
haiaya........my Family lg lah dah tahu i tgh budget2 mahu kawen bkn I kawen guna duit dia org pun....Xmahu menyusahkan mereka sesen pun tp malah dia org push lagi mahu mintak tlg ini tlg itu.....dah di tunaikan mintak betis besar gajah plak....
haduh di mana salah aku sebagai anak apabila family tdk tahu bersyukur dgn segala pergorbanan ku telah beri kuar dgn hasil titik peluh ku.....malah mereka mengukit segala2 nya....
haduh......this is really Bad for me Dear.... How come....
dahlah sana sini org menghasut jgn kawen dulu Bakal bapak mertua br jer meninggal X baik....
sudah ku khabar kan dgn bakal mak mertua tangguh kan saja Majlis jika mahu...tp bakal mak mertua ku berkeras mahu teruskan memandangkan bakal bapak mertus ku sudah excited mahu menyediakan segala kelengkapan.....haduyai......How come??? but i hate someone yg suka menghasut berik kata2 negatif yg bukan2....but believe me still now I just feel like still day dreaming for what had happen to my future family in law.....haduh How Come setiap kita di Dunia pasti akan pergi one day kan only Allah dag tentukan hiduo mati semua Umat nya bila2 masa.....betapa besarnya kekuasaan Alllah......for my future undertaking I hope everthing will be happy ending.....Amin.......Insyallahhhhhh

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Exciting ????

hai Dear...
long time not mencoret disini......latelly feeling wanna to cry,
now i'm not excititng with my preparation wedding....kalau boleh nak batal batal jer lh...
malas dah nak pk.....hubungan jarak jauh mmg byk dugaan & terlalu.....sakit hati pun ada & banyak makan hati & terlalu banyak menangis (Who Will Know??) while I'm Driving use spec hitam nangis puas2 mengenang nasib diri uhuhuhuhuh how come kan kan kan....
kalau nak kawen jgn lah cari org jauh kalau X kuat mental & Emotional uhuhhuh mmg nak nangis aje haduh How Come......
terlalu sedih utk di kenang terlalu sakit hati bila diri terasa kdg2 terabai..
br bertunang blum lagi jd Bini kan kan lelaki ssh kah nak memahami hati perempaun????
bila perempuan ckp tidak @ No is mean yes & ya actually.....plz lah paham lah skit hati perempuan mcm mana......if Ur girl very Curios & caring abaout U, why not do the same......hurm mmg btul lah time couple semua indah tp bila hampir nak jd hak milik perlukah semua perlukan pergertian??
hai nak menangis pun Xda siapa yg dpt pujuk.....diri sendiri jugak kan kan kan ....
tenangkan hati dengan mengadu dgn Tuhan lagi bagus kekasih paling agung adalah Tuhan yg mencipta kita lg bagus kan kan kan kan....

Saturday, July 2, 2011

uhuhuh JeleSSSSSSS??????

Hai Dear.....

Long time haven't Writen in here huhuhuh been bz latelly with life heeheh.....

apakah???? hohoh tomorrow i will attend my Colleague Wedding....... i am jeles??a bit lah.....but nothing to worried ok Lisa....my Big Day will come soon me just wait this end of the year.........I will be A Princess hehehehe this year so many people around me getting married including myself hehehe but don't U think with the Title Married is that just a tittle @ really having responsible with it??? I don't know somtimes when Ur friend getting married so U being jeles U ask Ur Boyfriend @ girlfriend being Engaged @ Married......Married not just it's becoz Ur friend going to be Married @ Engaged so U have to be tooo.....arhhhhhhhh what a pity thinker kan kan kan kan.....especially girl when their frenz getting married she will ask her Boyfriend "Dear my bFF will Engaged Next Week so when will be Ours day??" so the Man become annoyed about that, in serious relationship must tolerant with our economic right now everthing getting Expensive so must statrting to plan every single so detail....cannot being so in hurry slow slow row row Ur boat hehehhheeh.....haiya actlly same goes to me ok, being relax Everthing's will going ok!!!!!! CHiLLLL..........

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chaiyok Chaiyok Chaiyok......

halllu their..........
just a few week not go to aerobik my weight so arrrrrrrrrrrrr cannot say anything....
nait mendadak siuttttt haiyo mcm mana mauk jd pengantin mcm nie this Coming December....
sungguh diri ku binggung jd nya....
perut mcm dah semakin Boroi...bak kata kwn ku mcm perempuan dah mengandung 4 bulan haduh sedih sungguh mendgr nya...
time sesak nak kurus nie & Xlame lg nak jd Pengantin Baru HARUS diri ku menurunkan berat badan seboleh yg mungkin....hhohohoh Chaiyok Chaiyok.....
nanti Baju pengantin ku sendat Xmuat malu nya nak jd Pengantin How COme.....tell me.....
har whatever kan...tp nevermind my ketinggian still mencapai normal BMI oklah tu kan kan kan kan kan.....so now control makan & exercise more with Aerobik yeah yeah yeah.....
but 1 thing thath i will always know....no matter what shape i look...My darling will always LOve me coz I'll never doubt to Love Him more then ever he do....

Friday, June 3, 2011

LIfe Is Short so Just Have Fun with It ~

haluuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Dear...........

so long not update being bz dating heheheheh.........

wake up in so earlly in this Saturday Morning just heard sad New's from my auntie.....

our relatived already passed away....how shock i'm hearing that, he is not too old but life can be short right even how old are U, when God want to take Ur beautiful Life automatically will end if the destiny had writen huhuhuhu......what make me more sad my uncle (my Dad cousin) just a few month ago mu mum & his Mum was Exciting talking about their own Child getting married.....as Uolss know me with My Fiancee planning getting married this end of year, & my cousin who had passed away palnning want to getting married earlier next year....huhuhuh i can't imagine his Love can depend this worse situation............been lost of her Love for me totally not ready for that.....haduyai how life can be short & our Life is Unpredictable kan kan kan kan.....hurm ok dear....see you when U see me.....Adios Amigos Chow Sin Chow.....

Monday, May 23, 2011

Blood Donation

Wehuuuuuuuuuuuuuu dear............ that sunday went to Blood Donation....

huuuuuuuuuuu feel so illlllll worrrrrr maybe Xcukup rehat..... by the way one to share my interest since watch this drama at tv3 really enjoy it Honey seriuslly mmg dah jatuh cinta Babe dgn cite nie I must have this Novel Must toooooooooooo must have ok i will try to find even in many book store siad sold out already wor amoi huuuuuuuuuuuuu hampa............
to be continue must find the Novel Kasih yang Suci...........

never mind teruskan usaha anda.....ok go Lisa go Lisa go Lisa......

Friday, May 20, 2011

Heart Breaker Maybe Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

wehuuuuuuuuuu Dear..........

Long time not update huhuhuh, got a story that I keep long long time but forgot to story mory.....hehhehe........

feel lega when finally had remove somebody from FB, actually he told me he alway's follow me from work & Like me coz when we meet I like to smile to him uieeeeeeeeeeeeee so Crazy that guy wor.......

actually I feel he just want make funny with me maybe.....maybe,he alway's make such many story that can't believing.......so want to get my attention try me Never ever ok....My heart alway's for my Darllllling......i feel like he want to make feel so Foolllllllllllllllll How come, b4 its to late better I'll remove that guy, mY darllllllllll told me not to be friend like people like that coz he only wantbto get attention from me even know that i already have the only Love....WHATEVER (Ada Aku kisah)....

nie another story my Colleague....she just broke Up with her Boyfriendddddd, her mouth said never ever want to know about him really hate that X-guy but how to escape when Ur Xbf same Ofis with Uuuuuuuu haiyo....haduh umur dah meningkat tp still don't believe with Ur patner? but in this case the Guy should Blame 100% coz my Girl (Colleague) ask her Bf to Engaged....but that guy feel not ready yet & his Mother not agreed also...if Ur relationship become 3 years how come not ready yet?? haiyo told me why must be like that....almost Gentleman pupus sudah kah? takut dgn perasaan sendiri....not comfident yet then why U want to make it in relationship?? susah utk di fahami & mmg Xingin Di fahami.........hurm whatever....bak kata My Another Colleague "Masalah Dunia Mmg Xkan Habis" So Dear Smile when ever trouble ur in huhuhuh ok Chow sIN Chow....C U When U C Me............

Thursday, May 5, 2011

any idea??

haluuuuuu Dear....

herm what happen in this week, got many thing happen....what if people around wanna to copy & paste what U had she really want to.....haiyo so pening with people like that wor.......

whateverlah kan i just do what i like & don't like, she alway's wanna to know what i got & being jealous maybe......hahahhah whateverlah kan....

kita jd lah diri sendiri kan....jgn My darling pun been taken sudah, NO WAY....he only mine U know.....hahhah ok actly i really excited to research my akad nikah dress still searching the design but got example for take is it ok for UoLLss?? this Dr.Herlina Example akad nikah Baju wife of Angkasawan M'sia....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Royal Wedding

Wehuuuuuuuuuuuu Dear...........

many day' not update this page....hehheheh being bz tp Xlah bz mengalahkan menteri....

Counting the day & hour lg My Prince William nak kawen huhuhuh how beruntung Kate kan.....jd Princess becoming.....haiyoooooo best best best.....so many money their have mmg Fairy tale their life kan.......hohohoho bak kata lagu Colbie Callet "U make me wanna say I DO I DO I DO......" since i'm in form 1 haiyo mmg minat giler Prince William, sapa aku nak di pandangkan hahaha berangan dr jauh sj ler.....huhuh nothing to say just Happy for both of them May hapiness alwalys with them until the end of time ......me this year also hehhe kita bertanding sapa dpt anak dulu ok Prince Wiliiam but I think U will be daddy 1st maybe coz i'm not in to have Baby yet after married maybe 6 @ 7 month later hehhheh kan kan kan.....my life not like U Princes William......how I wish I can be Rich like U kan kan kan Money Is evrything but cannot but happiness............

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Just Becoz I'm Younger then U???

Haluuuuuuuuu Dear...........

sori acctually not in good mood today but but buat2 Happy jgk coz mls nak pk to much about this day....

what happen today?? why people who really think their is up then U , then easy for her to scold U in front other people...maybe wanita yg bergelar "Andartu" mmg begitu suka marah2 Blame U suka suki......If Ur colleague was below then Ur Post in the ofis doesn't mean U can suka suki yelled in fornt other people.....hurm rasa nak nangis but I tahan coz i was thinking mmg seorang "Anak Dara Tua" mudah cepat naik angin2 lagi2 kalau dia sudah menapous....how puting beliung is she for me.....just becoz i get more then her 5S intensive money she want to being jealous yelled for just bcoz of that.....haiyo sabar jak hati ok.....jgn nangis .....jgn tunjuk kelemahan dpn org yg Xsuka kau.....ok be cool Girls....don't get serius with that, hurm " ADA AKU KISAH KAU TU ANDARTU".......hurm what goes around come around.....relax her day will came disaster then me hahahhahahah ADA AKU KISAH???????? hahahhahahha relax oklah chow SIn chow....C U WHen U C me......Daaaaaa...............

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

May Happines with Us alway's....

Wehuuuuuuuuuuuuu dEAR.......

huhuhuh what a bz week this week at ofis but went back home feel sleepy again & again...

dah tido pun still feel had not enough sleep...haiyo......so glad this week friday Holiday Thank's to Allah gift me a day to breath & feel happy with my life.....hurm actually i have lot of story, but 1st why married man alway's not bersyukur with their life @ wife?? need to find another skandal outside??? hurm.....even in Social Network still set a status Single hurm what a pity Man like that kan.....don't know want to blame who.....for me both of them must take part to make it rigth & Happy with their marriege....hurm in the ofis even people talking about the election I just keep in silent coz not intrested with that topic....hehhe but feel Happy coz still have My love My Najib....hehhe hurm why people poiting finger to each other say that people wrong but themself same like that also hahahhah eeeeeeeee btul2 mcm Phua Chu Kang plak kan....hahha entahlah better kita musabah diri sebelum kita nak kata org ada skandal itu skandal ini tp diri sendiri rupa2 nya pernah ada krisi skandal jgk huhuhuh that what call life...mmg pelbagai ragam & perasaan.....hurm me Hope Our Love with My Love My Najib still forever "The Endless Love"....Amin....ok Dear enough for today Chow Sin chow....

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Awesome ~

haluuuuuuuuu Dear........

what happen today.....in the ofis as usuall many had happen tha bad the Good...

people gossip people laughing just joining but don't want take it seriously hehheh life must Go On kan Dear.....hehheheh not have a good sleeping me latelly....yesterday had a dream of my X bf, oh gosh did I still miss him oh no he only my bad dream i think, he only make me sad not make me happy & understanding who i am....thank's to God coz I found My Najib finally hheheheh, nak kawen wor jgn pk org lain....hahhah don't wori Dear Nothing Gonna change my Love to My Najib...he the only 1 in my Life 4-ever & ever.....hheheh how I miss him every minute & everyday...

just counting the day counting the month.....

but i got the story, i have friend in my life who anything in my life she also want it also...so what to do just ignore that people......hehhe friend like that cannot make being friend.....ok adiyos amigos my eyes blur2 feel like want tok sleep but cityville in FB must Upgrate hehhhe......

Monday, April 18, 2011


hohohoh Dear long time not updated...

being bz for this week....so last week what a bz day....latelly driving after back from working at 5pm....alway's thinking about my Big Day My Wedding Day.....

Oh Gosh how I'm really Excited with all the Preparation Dear......really Obsesed with it...

July I will go to KL go shoping witgh all my BFF Kim @ Dadom...

huhuhuh how I Miss all my moment with them.....really miss my teenager's moment...now become Mature a little bit lah hahahhah mature kah??? hahahha skit skit lah.....

hhuhuh latelly in My Ofis i heard all the Bad rumours about the colleague.....the scandal's the Bad habit....haiyo who else is perfect in this wolrd kan....so for me try heard from right then just let it go by left hahahahha Goood English Education kan kan kan......hust heard but not trying to judging the people.....bcoz I don't Like tooooo..........just do myself routine it really good enough for me bcoz how I really excited with My preparation weddin g Dear....

Friday, April 1, 2011

hurm feel like wanna cry ~

wehuuuuuuuuuu like fall in love with this song dear.......... just understand all the word's in this song ok..... If the Hero never come to you , If you need someone , you're feeling blue If U wait for love , and You're alone If You can call u friend's , nobody's home You can run away but U can't hide Through a storm and through a lonely night then I'll show U there a destiny The Best thing's in my life , they are free.... But If U wanna cry : cry on my shoulder If U need someone , who cares for U If Ur feeling sad , Ur heart gets colder...... Yes I Show U what real Love can Do.... If Ur Sky is Grey oh let me know There's a place in heaven , where we'll go If heaven is , a million years away oh just call me and i'll make U day When the night are getting cold and Blue when the day's are getting hard for U I will always stay by Ur side I Promise U , i'll never hide

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dunia Lelaki?????????

Wehuuuuuuuuuu since Aerobik never ever update kan ~

My Head going toing toing toing this earlier but I'm really Happy cauze got many frenz beside me that can make me laugh & cry together gather....ok lately i got the msg from somebody maybe salah send but seem like not send for me but for who yeah??? still now keep thinking U Know Dear.....

hurm what everlah adakah lelaki yg sudah berumur sememangnya Tidak puas dgn isteri di rumah @ sudah boring kah mereka dgn pasangan mereka......@ adakah salah Isteri sbb Nafsu perempuan sudah kurang pabila sudah hampir utk menopous.....hurm too many Question in my head Dear......Why??? Who??? When??? How??? What is really Happen actually with them??? seem like nothing in front other People but between them maybe something goes wrong somewhere.....haiyo sungguh kesian kan dont know who must be Blame becoze do know what happen actually.....apa mampu diri ku buat mendoakan semuanya Cun saja apakah???? never mind life is short so don't think too much to many just enjoy your life while U can breath Yeah!!!!!

I still Have my beloved My Najib the Only one ok Dear CHow Adios Amigos.......C U When U C Me ~

Thursday, March 17, 2011

counting the Month ~


what a tired day but realy enjoy today with little cousin Mina hehehe.......

hurm realy counting a day for my weding day dear huhuhuh how will it be the day will be aq big day that Can't to forget huhuuhuh Insyallah ~ realy like this song coz it mean a lot to me....

huhuhu realy can't wait that day babe how I Miss My Love so much hurm jiwang karat kan kan kan......never mind ~ just enjoy with the song & understand the lirik's ok...

:: We were as one Babe..

for a moment in time...

and it seemed everlasting....

That you would alway's be mine....

Now you want to be free..

So I'm letting you Fly...

coz I know in My Heart Babe..

Our LOve will Never Die ..... No!

You alway's be a part of me...

I'm a part of you indefinitely...

Girl Don't you know you can't escape me....

Ooh Darling cause You'll Alway's be My Baby...

& we'll linger on...

Time can't erase a feeling this strong....

No way you're never gonna shake me...

Ooh Darling cause You'll always be my baby....

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

~ Having Fun ~

:: wehuuuuuuuuuu ~

Dear UoLL's....what happen today???

1st of couse the Aerobik The Bella Dancing huhuhuh realy best wor all the stomach & leg take part hahahahh ~ but i realy enjoy it so far got to again next week every tuesday Have to & Must to...

X sangka relationship antara Me , Elsie & Shariana menjadi rapat since kami sebenarnya staff baru di Ofis so yg senior2 mmg Xnak rapat @ ajak g mana2 sama coz b4 this alone2 bfast at ofis huhuu.....but not all senior lah...

but Shariana sometimes ikut mood tp still Brutal but never mind as long she not beat me & Elsie at the back that I really dont like Dear ~ huhuhuh me & Elsie hahhaha alway's having fun together laugh hahahah like no one in this world , ok the Bella Dancing realy fun i really enjoy it dancing dancing the stomach & the Bumper so good heehheh so tired but enjoy enjoy.....berapa kali enjoy da.....

uhuhuhu got Bonus @ not my ofis this year owh....realy need it for my weding preparation even my salary pun not enough haduyai...hopefully got so kan nasib i'm not taking part also joining the My-J project Loan so many many RM fuhhhhhh Thank's to My Love My Najib Lor realy good Advised from him if not mcm kena kejutan electrik mahu saja ku turutkan kata hati & teruskan berlari huhuh ok dear that's all for today sambung main Cityville bah Adios Amigos Chow ::

Monday, March 14, 2011

~ Excited for tomorrow !!


Dear guess what tomorrow me joining ?????

I join my ofis Bella Dancing at HQ there, feel realy Exciting with that so I'll make a research what kind dancing is that heheheh ~ check it out ~

:: Bella Dance @ Bellydance is the name commonly used in western countries to apply to traditional Middle Eastern Dance , Specifically Egyptian Ghawazi dance in the 19th century & Arabic....

:: Most of the movement in Bella Dancing involve Isolating different parts of the body (hips , Shoulder, Chest and Stomach p/s very important for those who has A BOROI Stomach hahhah ) , similar to the isolation used in jazz ballet.

It's a really good for physical exercise for health and fitness reason beside as a performance art huhuhuu........

it's kind a fun i think just want to realise tension while working from 8am until 5pm so Life must Enjoy ~ huhuhuh Bella Dancing here I come with my girl Elsie & Shariana huhuhuhu go go go go go go girl we must at the back ok if not malu kelak Oiiiiii hahahah dah br 1st time hahhahah ~

i hOPE I'll Enjoy my day tomorow with my new friend hehehehheeh ~

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Just what in my mind !!

"I'm With You"

I'm standing on a bridge I'm waiting in the dark I thought that you'd be here by now
There's nothing but the rain
No footsteps on the ground
I'm listening but there's no sound......
Isn't anyone tryin to find me? Won't somebody come take me home......
It's a damn cold night...
Trying to figure out this life
Won't you take me by the hand....
Take me somewhere new....
I don't know who you are But I... I'm with you I'm with you
I'm looking for a place...... I'm searching for a face.... Is anybody here I know 'Cause nothing's going right And everything's a mess And no one likes to be alone....
Isn't anyone trying to find me? Won't somebody come take me home....
It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Won't you take me by the hand Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with you I'm with you Oh why is everything so confusing Maybe I'm just out of my mind Yea yea yea It's a damn cold night Trying to figure out this life Won't you take me by the hand Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with you I'm with you Take me by the hand Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with you I'm with you Take me by the hand Take me somewhere new I don't know who you are But I... I'm with you I'm with you I'm with you...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Who DO U think U Are???

Dear meh nak story skit......

why people get something good @ something new in their life must @Have to show off??

so they think only them can get that.........woshhhhhhhhhhhh I hope God will take back what that had so the sadness in their face will appear...hahahah sound like fishy hahahh alway's want to conquer people around them herm i hate that kind of girl U know.....U do U htink U are Drama Queen in the Ofis....eh hellllllllllo u not the Bos just ordinary staff also like human being also lah........

setinggi mana lu punya pangkat but di sisi tuhan U alway's down down down to the earth U know....

so I hope people around U will noticed that also........herm never mind what will I do just not being friend like that people......I have own freind & my own world..........adiyos amigos chowwwwww

Saturday, February 26, 2011

what about now ~

haluuuuuuuuuuu a week that i'm become older....

so many thing in my head dear all that can't discribe in word just let in keep save in my mind..

herm this is what people call life is short so make it sweet memory....but me life just like weather sometime Heavy Rain sometimes Storm Sometimes when the rain can changed into Rainbow but how long it will bocome Rainbow...huhuhuhu betapa susah kita nak puaskan hati org kan......

tp dptkah org puaskan hati kita mcm kita dah puaskan hati org.....mmg kehidupan penuh dgn mcm Flovour @ Perisa.....ada manis , pahit , masam , kelat , masin......huhuuh for me what ever it is just live in your World dear.....coz nothing can hold U back if U realy want it.....

so the good friend is Myself...sound like selfish kan kan kan.....but sometimes U must come 1st then ever....but people alway's said Sharing is caring so what to do?? How to do??? just many thing's can happen in many day's minute second.....just one clik so just pray for God Allah insyallah Ur alway's on Ur way .....Amin......

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My Tear's

Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku....

Ampun kanlah dosa ku sekiranya aku yg bersalah & kau Ampunkan lah dosa ayah ku sekira nya dia yg bersalah...........dear My Soul apalah musibah yg melanda diriku, ayah mintak duit beli rokok sedangkan aku hanya tgl duit utk membeli beras....sudah lah duit tu pun minta dgn My LOve...

bila aku tgk dia mintak duit dgn adik ku , aku ada rm12 lg tgl dlm purse..rm10 utk isi myk keta...

ku hulurkan duit rm1 tambah beli rokok dia tepis tn aku lalu berkata " Ssh na nak mintakk duit dgn ktk org tok"....ya Allah alangkah tersentap nya hati ku mendengar,bkn aku Xnak memberi tp duit yg aku ada pun utk membeli beras utk mknan di umah....aku kah berdosa kerana krg ajar bila aku bgtahu bkn2 aku suka2 Xnak memberi kalau aku ada mmg akan ku beri.....tp ini itu saja yg aku ada buat ms nie sdgkan gaji ku yg bersih nya Xsampai pun 1K..

haiyo sedih hati aku bila di tuduh kurang ajar aku hanya ingin menegak apa yg betul apa yg sebenar2-benarnya berlaku semuanya ada alasan & sebab nya....Everything got their reason... apalah dosa hamba mu ya Allah bila di katakan aku lah anak derhaka gara-gara aku hanya ingin bersuara memberitahu apa aku guna duit ku hanya kerana ingin membeli beras utk keluarga ku mkn......haaaaaaaaaaaaaa buntu aku memikirkan nya......duhai hati sabar lah kau mengharungi nya, duhai air mata menangislah sehingga mana kau mampu utk berhenti....Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku Ampun kan lah Dosa Hamba mu sekiranya aku yg berdosa & kau Ampunkan Dosa ke dua org tua ku seperti mana mereka mengampunkan Dosa Anak2 mereka.....

Sunday, February 6, 2011


huhuhu Haluuu all their Gorgeous!!!!!!!!!

lately me & my Love go to survey The Bridal...

betapa teruja & Double Super Excited when go their meet the Wedding Planner....all in my head now what tema i Want,what will happen Still Don't know but can thing's go on my way??? huhuhu really excited huhuh mcm nie rs nya nak jd Raja Sehari kan...

walau beberapa bulan lagi but still need preperation so X kelang Kabut....Hope everthing going Smoothly & All Happy on my Big Date, Thank's My Love for Alway's want to fill in the empty in heart!!! so Glad that I have U in my Life!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE U dear & U UUUUUUUUU............

Friday, January 21, 2011

Enjoy Time ~

Wehuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ~~

latelly being so frust with my destiny bcoz all I wanted doesn't go my own way..

really frust double triplle frust....but it's Doesn't mean I cannot enjoy my day,only me can handle it no body bcoz all depend's on me.....so be good to Urself...Haduyai apakah ngerepak srg2 tok....hahahhahahh...never mind next Month me will become older huuuuuuuuuuu OLD??

Oh no....i'm not OLD still young ok hahahhah,tomorrow I Will enjoy my day playBowling lepas tension dgn Bowling......so People Let Bowling!!!!!!!!!! Oh Yeah Strike All Bebeh ok.....

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My Night Dream??


Just wanna share while watching AJL nie...

Last Night what a horible Dream lah I had....I Went to some of place Like PLKN @ BTN something like that lah...then I normarlly mmg bertudung tp dlm mimpi nie X Bertudung plak jd Free hair....then some Guy I Admire Him a Lot lah in my dream tp ingat dia nak say He like me but actually nak ckp U Will Look Sweet if U Wear A tudung on Ur Head,Seem Like I want to Be Perfect in Front of Him but he only ask simple from me...........hhoooo what a shamed lain pk lain yg jd, tp but why must have feeling with that Guy becos I'll already Engaged Hayooooooo Only Mimpi not anything MIMPI HANYA MIMPI ada apa dgn Mimpi......hurmmmmmmmmmm feel boring my weekend lor......pk DUIT DUIT DUIT Money Money Money.........tp Xnak join Skim @ Bussness cepat kaya biar usaha dgn Gaji @ Kumpul lah apa yg ptt dgn cara yg DI Berkati & X mentension kan kepala Hotak nie.......oklah Chowwwww C U when U C Me...............